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Advancing Development Outcomes through Improved Good Governance Worldwide

Two men in Colombia look at wall with posters from a citizen participation workshop focused on peacebuilding
Tetra Tech supports partner country good governance, transparency and accountability through citizen participation, inclusive political processes, and human rights promotion.

With the launch of its Strategy on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) in 2013, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the establishment and consolidation of inclusive and accountable democracies to advance freedom, dignity, and development. The Active Communities – Effective States (ACES) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract is an important tool to help USAID elevate DRG issues within the current administration’s foreign policy agenda. The ACES IDIQ is designed to integrate democracy programming throughout USAID’s core development work and prioritize the engagement of local development parties as critical players in a country’s development and its ability to achieve DRG goals.


  • Promoting good governance and anti-corruption
  • Strengthening legislative function and legal framework
  • Supporting decentralization and local governance
  • Improving rule of law and security sector reform
  • Strengthening oversight mechanisms

Through the ACES IDIQ contract, Tetra Tech’s DRG and rule of law experts will assist USAID missions around the world to support countries to achieve gains in freedom and development by:

  • Advancing participatory, representative, and inclusive political processes and government institutions
  • Strengthening accountability of institutions and leaders to citizens and to the law
  • Promoting and protecting individual human rights
  • Providing support for community and stakeholder engagement
  • Improving development outcomes through the integration of DRG principles and practices across USAID’s development portfolio

The ACES IDIQ contract brings together industry-leading expertise from Tetra Tech (through the Tetra Tech DRG JV Inc., a joint venture between Tetra Tech and MSI, A Tetra Tech Company) and consortium partners, including Crown Agents USADevelopment Professionals Inc.Gender Resources Inc., Integra Development Group, Inc.International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)Mobile Accord, Inc.National Academy of Public AdministrationPactRE!NSTITUTE, and Resonance.